4 Signs Of The Need For Heat Pump Repair In Longmont Co

byAlma Abell

Heat pumps surely make life more comfortable when it’s cold outside, but knowing when to call for Heat Pump Repair in Longmont CO is less certain. Like other machines, a heat pump can’t last forever, although regular maintenance can increase a unit’s lifespan. Here, readers get a list of the top signs of heat pump failure.

The Unit Blows Cold or Hot Air When It Shouldn’t

A common problem in older heat pumps is that they don’t cool or heat as they should. While the unit may still produce air at a regular level, it won’t come out at a temperature that’s consistent with its settings. If a unit stops putting out cooled or heated air as its settings dictate, it may be time to call for repairs.


Decreased Airflow

A substantial decrease in airflow could indicate that the unit’s compressor is on its way out. If the thermostat is set to a favorable temperature and the home is still cold, the system isn’t working correctly. Check the filter first, and if that’s not the problem, Heat Pump Repair in Longmont CO might be necessary.

Strange Noises

A functional heat pump system should operate with minimal noise, and after a while, the owner may become familiar with the noises it makes. If the unit makes sounds that are out of the ordinary, it could indicate a need for repair. In some cases, the fan could stop working, and in others, internal parts become filled with dirt. However, if there are grinding, rattling, or screeching noises, the problem may be serious enough to warrant a full replacement.


Depending on the unit’s type, a little condensation is normal, but in most cases, the unit should remain dry whether or not it’s being used. If there’s moisture in the house, a leak develops, or the level of condensation suddenly increases, it might make sense to consider replacing the heat pump.

Don’t Delay, Call Today

If a homeowner detects any of these signs of heat pump failure, they should call Poudre Valley Air to schedule repairs. By acting now, customers can get back to enjoying a leak-free, noise-free, and trouble-free heating or cooling season. Like us on Facebook.